Career Wise Bursary Services



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What is the BDF?

The BDF is short the Bursar Details Form. This is a form that every sponsored bursar (i.e. a student who has successfully been awarded funding that is administered by Career Wise) has to complete once every academic year. The form allows Career Wise to confirm currently sponsored bursars’ latest contact details, alternative contact details in case of emergency, accommodation details and lastly banking details where an allowance is applicable.

Please note that there are two types of BDFs, namely:

  1. Bursar Details Form for students who receive an allowance.
  2. Bursar Details Form for students who don’t receive an allowance.
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How do I know which BDF to complete?

Once the applicant has been awarded a bursary administered by Career Wise, their bursary administrator adds to the list of currently sponsored bursars. Each bursary administrator communicates via email the relevant Bursar Details Form that sponsored bursars have to complete. All the login credentials are communicated via email and can only be confirmed by the bursary administrator, whose details will also be contained in the same email.

Please note that receiving an allowance depends on the type of bursary that has been awarded. Career Wise administers the following type of bursaries:


  • Fixed/Capped bursary (tuition only);
  • Top-up bursary (based on student’s needs);
  • Partial bursary (tuition & books);
  • Full bursary (tuition, accommodation, meals, books, etc).
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How do I reset my BDF password?

The log in credentials can only be confirmed by your bursary administrator. Please note you will also only be able to login to the BDF if the bursary administrator has confirmed that you sponsored for the current academic year. Your bursary administrator details can be found in the bursar details form email. 

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What is a bank confirmation?

A bank confirmation letter or account confirmation, is a letter from a bank or financial institution, validating that you are the account holder of a specified bank account.

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Where do I find my login details to complete the BDF?

The login credentials will be sent via email from the Bursary Administrator once they have confirmed your funding for the current academic year.

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How do I know whether I completed the BDF correctly?

You should see this screen after you submit, this means you entered your details correctly.

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How do I fix a mistake I made on the BDF?

You have until the next day to fix the mistake, also the bdf email tells you again how to go about this and who to contact.

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How do I log into the BDF after it says it’s locked?

Once the BDF is locked it mean you have successfully submitted all your relevant details. You will therefore need to contact your bursary administrator as indicated in the bdf email you received. 

Please note that the BDF locks itself 24 hours after you have updated your details.

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When do I get my allowance?

Once you have completed the BDF in full you can confirm with your Bursary Administrator when your allowance will be paid. Given that there many bursars to pay on any given day, please give at least 48 hours from the time you completed the BDF to follow up on your allowance.

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How do I know what my allowance amount will be?

Only your Bursary Administrator can confirm the allowance amount that you will receive. They will confirm this in an email or sms.


Please note that your allowance is strictly to be used for your schooling related expenses. You are welcome to enquire directly with your Bursary Administrator what the breakdown of your allowance is.

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I cannot find my institution

Please select only from the suggestions 

Notice how ‘uj’ does not exist because the suggestion was not selected but it was hard typed

The institution exists but only if you use the suggestions provided to you.

You can search by any word or letter in the name, but please use the suggestion to confirm.