As you will know, a lot of preparation goes into studying for university, and as you will know, some of the most important preparation work for entering college is not necessarily academic. There is a direct link between your health …
Here’s what’s going to be different in your life this year: You will play at a higher level. You will raise your academic standards. It’s 2023 my friend, and we are coming with that full court press! Cheers to acing …
Transition and change are very tricky times for everyone. A good transition can mean the difference between floundering and flourishing. As such it is crucial to get it right. Transition can put enormous strain on you socially, emotionally, academically and …
What is Gratitude? In the song Toast by Koffee, the lyrics “Gratitude is a must” seem so mundane yet are so impactful because indeed, gratitude is a must. November and December are always that time of the year when a …
There’s no getting around it: when the year draws to a close, there can be quite a bit to grapple with. This can range from: This time of the year can also make you rush to wrap up your coursework …
Like any other year, when the year ends, we begin to reflect. Are you energized for the year that was? Did you experience any life-changing achievements? Stressed by all the outstanding tasks that still need to be completed before the …
Hurry up and submit your application for the 2023 academic year! While we prepare to round off 2022, the opportunity to submit your university application is fast approaching. And we have to say … there’s a slight chance that you …
By definition, heritage is an individual’s set of traditions, belief systems, values, and cultural practices. Admittedly, this is an oversimplified definition. Our interaction with cultural heritage has undergone transformation partly because of the spread of digital media. In addition, as …
What eventually becomes of our stories and traditions as the world constantly evolves? Every single person has a way in which they identify themselves. This plays out in various ways, namely: In how people talk Their dress sense (traditional regalia …
Millennials are generally an open-minded, technological, innovative, and creative generation. However, for the millennials and gen-z, it is undeniable that the impact of economic, political and health crises experienced in the past few years has led to much loss: the …