

FASSET is the Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority. The finance and accounting services sector is particularly important because it is the largest employer of people with financial management, accounting, and auditing skills. In 2012 more than 135 000 people worked in the sector. The Financial and Accounting Services Sector refers to the organisations served by Fasset. FASSET BursaryThis sector includes: investment entities and trusts and company secretary services; stockbroking and financial markets; financial development organisations; accounting, bookkeeping, auditing and tax services; business and management consulting services; the South African Revenue Service; the national and provincial treasuries; and other activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, such as debt collection.

About the FASSET Bursary

FASSET’s mission is to:

  • increase the flow of new finance and accountancy entrants to employment;
  • develop and grow skills required in the sector; and
  • facilitate the transformation of the finance and accountancy sector.

The introduction of the Bursary Scheme is a vehicle that will assist in facilitating the achievement of FASSET’s mission. The purpose of the bursary is to incentivise employers to financially assist learners to complete their tertiary qualification.

It is a full bursary which means the following will be covered:

  • Full Tuition;
  • Accommodation;
  • Meals; and
  • Books

Areas of study
Only qualifications linked to FASSET’s scarce skills will be funded and the guide can be found on the website at under “The list of FASSET’s top ten (10) scarce skills for 2017/18”. The list of scarce skills are comprised of the following occupations:

  1. Accounts and Auditors
  2. ICT Professionals
  3. Management Consultants
  4. Financial Markets Professionals
  5. Bookkeeping, Accounting Technician and Clerks
  6. Internal Auditors and Risk Managers
  7. Actuaries and Statisticians
  8. Debt Collectors
  9. Marketing Professionals
  10. Economists

FASSET bursary requirements?

Applicants need to meet all the following requirements:

  • Penultimate or final year of their undergraduate studies;
  • must be a Black South African citizen or coloured South African citizen from the Western Cape or Northern Cape;
  • disabled candidates of any race;
  • must undertake full-time undergraduate studies in a recognized public South African tertiary institution;
  • must intend to study one of the qualifications linked to the top ten scarce skills list;
  • Total combined household income between R123,000 and R600,000 per annum