Bonolo Ntlatleng

Bonolo Makgotso Ntlatleng

OMT Scholarship Graduate: Social Performance Strategist at De Beers Consolidated Mines

My name is Bonolo Makgotso Ntlatleng. Through the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship, I had the privilege of attending the University of Cape Town. I studied a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Political Studies, International Relations, and Economics. I am currently completing my Honours in International Relations.

The trajectory of my life changed when I received a scholarship from the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust through Career Wise. This is because the scholarship allowed me to attend a leading university that unlocked my potential and pushed me to stretch myself academically and personally. Through this journey, Career Wise was there to guide me not just financially, but personally and academically too. Career Wise is not just an organization that administers scholarships- it is an organization that is dedicated to honing the next generation of South African leaders through sharpening their interpersonal and professional skills and providing them with a world-class education.