What is Gratitude? In the song Toast by Koffee, the lyrics “Gratitude is a must” seem so mundane yet are so impactful because indeed, gratitude is a must. November and December are always that time of the year when a …
Like any other year, when the year ends, we begin to reflect. Are you energized for the year that was? Did you experience any life-changing achievements? Stressed by all the outstanding tasks that still need to be completed before the …
The concept of creating a visual image map in your mind’s eye toward achieving your goals is nothing necessarily new—ever heard of the quote “what the mind can conceive, it can achieve”. This speaks to the fact that if you …
Around the months of December and January people, organizations, even whole populations tend to reflect on the year that has passed. We may ask ourselves “How did I get here? Have I met my goals? Have I made a difference …